EPL members seminar: Gordana Vuković , "Biomonitoring ̶ Current Activities", November 26th, 2014.
Zoran Mijic participated in 4th Joint ACTRIS WP2/WP20 Workshop, Lille, France, 28-31. October 2014.
EPL at the Institute of Physics has become an Associated Partner of ACTRIS (Aerosol, Clouds, and Trace gases Research InfraStructure Network) an European Project funded under EU FP7. October 2014.
Gordana Vuković , visited the Department of Bio-science Engineering, University of Antwerp in Antwerp, Belgium from August 24th to September 15th, 2014 in the framework of Short Term Scientific Mission, funded by the COST Action FP1204, GreenInUrbs, www.greeninurbs.com/stsm/

Agreement on implementation of the project "Biomonitoring of heavy metals in the air along the main roads of the city of Belgrade ", supported in the competition "Cooperation for Development" was signed on 1st July 2014. The agreement was signed between NIS Novi Sad, the city of Belgrade and Institute of Physics Belgrade in cooperation with NGO "Geoecological Centre".

Beoinfo news - www.beograd.rs

The project will be realized by Dr Mira Aničić Urošević (project manager) and MSc Gordana Vuković (project assistant) in the Environmental Physics Laboratory, Institute of Physics Belgrade. The public promotion of project will be done in cooperation with the NGO "Geoecological Center" (Facebook page: GeoEkološki centar).

Dr Mira Aničić Urošević was a member of Examiners Board for defense of PhD thesis of Ms Ángela Ares Pita at the Faculty of Biology, University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain. Ph.D. Thesis Title is: "Active biomonitoring of the air quality with terrestrial mosses: standardization and optimization of the technique",July 11, 2014.
Marija Todorović participated in ACCENT-Plus Summer School - Atmospheric Composition Change: Drivers, Feedbacks and Impacts in Air Quality and Climate, Urbino (Italy), 22-29 June 2014.
Belgrade LIDAR station at the Institute of Physics has become a member of EARLINET (European Aerosol Research Lidar Network). April, 2014.
EPL members seminar: Slobodan Nickovic, Transport of desert aerosol: effects on the environment and numerical modeling, April 4th, 2014.
EPL members seminar: Gordana Vukovic