December 23, 2019: Dr. Tijana Milićević, Research Assistant Professor was one of the speakers at the workshop “Finding the job in the profession - exchange of experience with alumni students of the Environmental Chemistry Program” organized by the Department of Applied Chemistry, Faculty of Chemistry, University of Belgrade.

2-6 December, 2019: Dr. Tijana Milićević, Research Assistant Professor, attended the 20th European Meeting on Environmental Chemistry in Lodz, Poland. She held the oral presentation and poster presentation of two research topics on which she worked with colleagues from the Environmental Physics Laboratory and Faculty of Chemistry, University of Belgrade.

November 28, 2019: Dr. Mira Aničić Urošević held a lecture in the lecture center “Kolarac” with the title: “Air pollution forensic – mosses as evidence”. Audio record of the lecture is on the link http://www.kolarac.rs/zvucni-zapisi/forenzika-zagadjenosti-vazduha/.
24-27 November, 2019: Dr. Tijana Milićević from Environmental Physics Laboratory and Dr. Dubravka Relić and Jovana Orlić, MSc from Faculty of Chemistry visited a Research Center at Nitra University, faculty od Agriculture through the bilateral cooperation Pollution state of soils and food samples in Serbia and Slovakia – bioaccessibility fraction of elements and health risk assessment (337-00-107/2019-09/17) with Faculty of Agriculture in Nitra.
October 29, 2019: Dr. Maja Kuzmanoski participated in 1st Management Committee meeting of COST Action “PROfiling the atmospheric Boundary layer at European scale” (PROBE) CA18235, held in Brussels, Belgium.
17th - 18th October 2019: Dr. Mira Aničić Urošević, as a member of the delegation from the Serbian side, participated in the 5th regular meeting of Joint Coordination Committee of cooperation between Serbia and Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubna (JINR). At the meeting participated also from the Serbian state secretary for science, Prof. Dr. Vladimir Popović. The Serbian and Russian delegation signed the trilateral Memorandum of Understanding regarding the future cooperation between the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research and The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia. The cooperation of Mira Aničić Urošević with Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics, JINR was emphasised as an example of successful cooperation. She currently coordinates the project „Neutron activation analysis of environmental samples and new materials“ that is going on between EPL, IPB and FLNP, JINR.

October 10, 2019: Dr Tijana Milićević is awarded by Special Acknowledgment Dr Milena Dalmacija for Doctoral Dissertation which has given the largest scientific contribution in the field of environmental protection at universities in the Republic of Serbia.

1st - 3rd October 2019: EPL members participated at the 7th International Workshop and Conference, Particulate Matter: Research and Management – WeBIOPATR in Belgrade, Serbia. Andreja Stojić had a keynote lecture on "Modeling particulate matter in urban areas: experiences of the Institute of Physics Belgrade", Luka Ilić and Mira Aničić Urošević presented their work orally while Aleksandar Jovanović, Gordana Jovanović, Mirjana Perišić and Zoran Mijić gave poster presentations.

September 30, 2019: Dr Tijana Milićević, PhD of Chemistry and Research Assistant from Environmental Physics Laboratory, is promoted to Research Assistant Professor.
May 28, 2019: Luka Ilić presented results of his research on modeling ice nucleation properties of mineral dust on Milankovitch's Day conference in Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts.

May 24-25, 2019: Andreja Stojić participated Machine Learning Conference Serbia, Subotica.
March 13, 2019: As Member of Committee for Serbia, Mira Aničić Urošević participated in the kick-off meeting of COST Action (CA18130) entitled European Network FOR Chemical Elemental analysis by Total reflection X-Ray Fluorescence (ENFORCE-TXRF), held in Brussels, Belgium.
February 18-20, 2019: Mira Aničić Urošević participated in the 32nd ICP Vegetation Task Force Meeting held in Targovište, Romania, with the poster presentation entitled: "Assessment of anomalies in distribution of rare earth elements across Serbia using moss biomonitoring".

February 8, 2019: Mira Aničić Urošević was promoting the moss biomonitoring of air pollution to the employees working on air quality assessment in Serbian Environmental Protection Agency. She introduced them the ongoing ICP Vegetation Program regarding the assessment of air pollution at the Euro-Asian level using mosses.
February 1-8, 2019: Mirjana Perišić and Andreja Stojić attended Hands-on training course and 8th international PTR-MS conference, Innsbruck, Austria, presenting papers entitled "Explainable machine learning prediction of VOC in an university building microenvironment" and "Multifractality of isoprene temporal dynamics in outdoor and indoor university environment".