November 23-25th, Leipzig, EPL members participated in the ACTRIS-2 First WP2 Workshop “Profiling of aerosols and clouds” and collocated EARLINET General Assembly.

October 26th, 2015 ‒ Gordana Vuković received the first award of the Foundation “Dr Milena Dalmacija” for the doctoral thesis, which has made the greatest scientific contribution in the field of environmental protection at the universities in the Republic of Serbia during the period from October 2012. to October 2015 (http://milenadalmacija.com/).
October 14th ‒ 16th, 2015 ‒ EPL members attended The 5th International WeBIOPATR WORKSHOP & CONFERENCE, PARTICULATE MATTER: RESEARCH AND MANAGEMENT, which was held in Belgrade, and performed oral and poster presentations.
September 30th, 2015 ‒ BSc Petar Jovanović defended Master Thesis titled “Korišćenje mahovine Hypnum cupressiforme Hedw. u aktivnom biomonitoringu teških metala u vazduhu i njen biohemijski odgovor na uslove urbane sredine” at the Faculty of Chemistry, University of Belgrade. Master Thesis was realized under supervision of Dr Mira Aničić Urošević.
September 24th, 2015 ‒ EPL members attended XIX INTERNATIONAL ECO-CONFERENCE which was held in Novi Sad, Serbia from 23rd to 25th September, 2015. Dr Milica Tomašević performed oral presentation “Plant biomonitoring in urban air quality studies: tree leaves and moss”.
September 28th, 2015 ‒ MSc Gordana Vuković defended Doctoral Dissertation titled “Biomonitoring of urban air pollution (particulate matter, trace elements and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons) using mosses Sphagnum girgensohnii Russow and Hypnum cupressiforme Hedw.” („Биомониторинг загађености ваздуха градске средине суспендованим честицама, елементима у траговима и полицикличним ароматичним угљоводоницима коришћењем маховина Sphagnum girgensohnii Russow и Hypnum cupressiforme Hedw.“).
September 28th ‒ 29th, 2015 ‒ Dr ir Roeland Samson visited Environmental Physics Laboratory. He was a member of the Commission for defence of the Doctoral Dissertation of MSc Gordana Vuković (September 28th). Dr ir Roeland Samson held a seminar “Environmental magnetism and its use for biomonitoring” in the Institute of Physics Belgrade (September 29th).
Mira Aničić Urošević was invited speaker at 7th International Summer School on Nuclear Physics ‒ Science and Application (NUCPHYS‒SC&APPL) which was held in Poznań, Poland from June 24 to July 4 of 2015.
Andreja Stojić - Doctoral thesis title: Spatio-temporal Distribution of Volatile Organic Compounds and Aerosols in Troposphere: Lidar and Mass Spectrometry, Faculty of Physics, Univeristy of Belgrade, Blegrade, July 7th 2015
Mira Aničić Urošević and Gordana Vuković has attended 7th International Workshop on Biomonitoring of Atmospheric Pollution which was held in Lisbon, Portugal on 14th to 19th June 2015 and performed oral and poster presentations.
EPL members seminar: Andreja Stojić, "Volatile organic compounds and atmospheric aerosols", June 22nd 2015.
EPL members seminar: Dragoljub Dimitrijević, June 18th 2015.
Tijana Milićević joined the Environmental Physics Laboratory June the 1st 2015.
Members of Environmental Physics Laboratory participated in EnviroChem 2015, 7th Symposium of Chemistry and Environmental Protection with international participation, Palić, Serbia, June 9th to 12th, 2015.
Oral presentation: Moss-bag biomonitoring for screening urban air pollution: An extensive case study for Belgrade, Gordana Vuković
1.04.2015. ‒ Project “Active biomonitoring of airborne major and trace elements in the Belgrade urban area using moss bag technique” has been included in a special edition of Ecological bulletin (25 years anniversary; pp. 58) published by the Secretariat for Environmental Protection, City of Belgrade.
20.03.2015. godine ‒ Tanja Tripković graduated at the Faculty of Chemistry, University of Belgrade; Bachelor Thesis, entitled: „Korišćenje mahovine Sphagnum girgensohnii za procenu koncentracije teških metala u vazduhu na prometnim raskrsnicama“, was done under supervision of Dr Mira Aničić Urošević.
Dragoljub Dimitrijević joined the Environmental Physics Laboratory February the 9th 2015.
14.01.2015. ‒ Dragana Bugarčić graduated at the Faculty of Chemistry, University of Belgrade; Bachelor Thesis, entitled: "Aktivni biomonitoring teških metala u vazduhu parking garaža korišćenjem mahovina", was done under supervision of Dr Mira Aničić Urošević.