Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometer MiniPal 4
The PANalytical's MiniPal 4 is an energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence bench-top spectrometer. It is designed to analyze solid, powdered and liquid samples and is used to measure concentrations of elements from Na to U, in concentrations from 100% down to ppm levels. It is equipped with a 12-position sample changer. In order to average possible heterogeneities in sample, which affects precision and accuracy of the analysis, a sample spinner is included in MiniPal 4.
Technical Specifications:
-Rh anode tube (maximum power: 9W; window: 75 µm Be; maximum voltage: 30 kV; maximum current: 1 mA; cooling medium: air)
-Si drift detector (surface: 5 mm2; FWHM = 145 eV for 5.9 keV 55Fe; Window: 13 µm Be; cooling: thermo-electrical)
- The incident and emerging angles of X-ray beam: 45º
- Measurement medium: air or Helium
-Filters used between the source and the sample: Kapton, Al, Mo, Ag
Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometer MiniPal 4