Lazić, L., Aničić Urošević, M., Mijić, Z., Vuković, G. and Ilić, L. (2016). Traffic contribution to air pollution in urban street canyons: Integrated application of the OSPM, moss biomonitoring and spectral analysis. Atmospheric Environment. doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2016.07.008
Stojić, A., Stanišić Stojić, S., Reljin, I., Čabarkapa, M., Šoštarić, A., Perišić, M., & Mijić, Z. (2016). Comprehensive analysis of PM10 in Belgrade urban area on the basis of long term measurements, Environmental Science and Pollution Research. DOI: 10.1007/s11356-016-6266-4
Todorovic, M. N., Perisic, M. D., Kuzmanoski, M. M., Stojic, A. M., Sostaric, A. I., Mijic, Z. R., & Rajsic, S. F. (2015). Assessment of PM10 pollution level and required source emission reduction in Belgrade area. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A, (ahead-of-print), 1-9.
Stojic, A., Maletic, D., Stojic, S. S., Mijic, Z., & Šoštaric, A. (2015). Forecasting of VOC emissions from traffic and industry using classification and regression multivariate methods, Science of the Total Environment, 521, 19-26.
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Stojic, A., Stanišic Stojic, S., Šoštaric, A., Ilic, L., Mijic Z., & Rajšic S. (2015). Characterization of VOC sources in urban area based on PTR-MS measurements and receptor modelling, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, accepted for publication. DOI: 10.1007/s11356-015-4540-5
Perišic, M., Stojic, A., Stojic, S. S., Šoštaric, A., Mijic, Z., & Rajšic, S. (2014). Estimation of required PM10 emission source reduction on the basis of a 10-year period data. Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health, 1-11. doi: 10.1007/s11869-014-0292-5 (M23, IF: 1.455)
M. Tomaševic, Z. Mijic, M. Anicic, A. Stojic, M. Perišic, M. Kuzmanoski, M. Todorovic and S. Rajšic (2013) Air Quality Study in Belgrade: Particulate Matter and Volatile Organic Compounds as Threats to Human, In: Air Pollution: Sources, Prevention and Health Effects, Editors: Rajat Sethi (Texas A&M Health Science Center (TAMHSC), Bryan, Texas, USA), ISBN: 978-1-62417-735-4.
Zoran Mijic, Andreja Stojic, Mirjana Perišic, Slavica Rajšic and Mirjana Tasic (2012) In: Air Quality - New Perspective, Statistical Character and Transport Pathways of Atmospheric Aerosols in Belgrade, pp. 199 - 226, Edited by Gustavo Lopez Badilla, Benjamin Valdez and Michael Schorr, Published by InTech, ISBN: 978-953-51-0674-6, Available from: http://www.intechopen.com/books/air-quality-new-perspective/statistical-character-and-transport-pathways-of-atmospheric-aerosols-in-belgrade
Seasonal variability and source apportionment of metals in the atmospheric deposition in Belgrade, Z. Mijic, A. Stojic, M. Perišic, S. Rajšic, M. Tasic, M. Radenkovic, J. Joksic, Atmospheric Environment 44 (2010), 3630-3637.
Characteristics and application of receptor models to the atmospheric aerosols research, Zoran Mijic, Slavica Rajšic, Andrijana Žekic Mirjana Perišic, Andreja Stojic and Mirjana Tasic, book chapter in Air quality edited by Ashok Kumar, ISBN 978-953-307-131-2, (2010), 143-167.
Statistical Characters of PM10 in Belgrade Area, Z. Mijic, M. Tasic, S. Rajšic, V. Novakovic, Atmospheric Research 92, (2009) 420-426.
Source Apportionment of Atmospheric Bulk Deposition in the Belgrade Urban Area Using Positive Matrix Factorization, M. Tasic, Z. Mijic, S. Rajšic, A. Stojic, M. Radenkovic, J. Joksic, Workshop on Nonequilibrium Processes in Plasma Physics and Studies of the Environment, IOP Publishing, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 162, (2009) 012018 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/162/1/012018
Active moss biomonitoring of trace elements with Sphagnum girgensohnii moss bags in relation to atmospheric bulk deposition in Belgrade, Serbia, M. Anicic, M. Tasic, M.V. Frontasyeva, M. Tomaševic, S. Rajšic, Z. Mijic, A. Popovic, Environmental. Pollution 157 (2009), 673-679.
Determination of O3, NO2, SO2, CO and PM10 measured in Belgrade urban area, Dragan M. Markovic, Daragan A. Markovic, Anka Jovanovic, Lazar Lazic, Zoran Mijic, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 145, (2008) 349-359.
Evaluation of the Levels and Sources of Trace Elements in Urban Particulate Matter, Rajšic Slavica, Mijic Zoran, Tasic Mirjana, Radenkovic Mirjana, Joksic Jasminka, Environmental Chemistry Letters 6, (2008) 95-100.
An Assessment of Air Quality in an Urban Area of Belgrade, Serbia, Mirjana Tasic, Slavica Rajšic, Milica Tomaševic, Zoran Mijic, Mira Anicic, Velibor Novakovic, Dragan M. Markovic, Dragan A. Markovic, (book chapter) In: Environmental Technologies, New Developments, Edited by E. Burcu Ozkaraova Gungor, I-Tech Education and Publishing, Vienna, Austria, ISBN 978-3-902613-10-3, (2008), 209-244
An Assessment Of Air Quality In Belgrade Urban Area: PM10, PM2.5 And Trace Metals, M Tasic, S Rajsic, V Novakovic, Z Mijic, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 71 (2007) 012016 DOI:10.1088/1742-6596/71/1/012016
Physico-chemical characterization of PM10 and PM2.5 particles in the Belgrade urban area, M. Tasic, B.Ðuric-Stanojevic, S.Rajšic, Z.Mijic, V. Novakovic Acta Chimica Slovenica 53, 401-405, (2006) (ISSN:1318-0207)
PM10 and PM2.5 mass concentration measurements in Belgrade urban area, M.D.Tasic, S.F.Rajšic, V.T.Novakovic, Z.R.Mijic and M.N.Tomaševic, Physica Scripta. Vol. T118 (2005), 29–30,
Z. Mijic, M. Tasic, S. Rajšic, A. Stojic, Primena hibridnih receptorskih modela za ispitivanje transporta PM10 cestica na podrucje Beograda, Glasnik Hemicara, Tehnologa i ekologa Republike Srpske, Vol 7, 41- 48, (2012)
Atmospheric aerosols and their influence on air quality in urban area, M.Tasic, S.Rajšic, V.Novakovic, Z.Mijic, Facta Universitatis-Physics, Chemistry and Technology Vol. 4, No1, 83-91, 2006
Lazar Lazic, Mira Anicic, Gordana Vukovic, Mirjana Tasic, Slavica Rajšic and Zoran Mijic: Modelling of local traffic contributions to particulate air pollution in Belgrade street canyons using WinOSPM model, Urban Environmental Pollution – Create healthy, liveable cities, 17-20 June, (2012), Amsterdam, The Netherlands, CD-P2.112. http://www.uepconference.com/
Zoran Mijic, Darko Vasiljevic, Aleksander Kovacevic, Bratimir Panic, Milan Minic, Mirjana Tasic, Branislav Jelenkovic, Ilija Belic, Ana Vukovic, Investigation of transport pathways and potential source regions of atmospheric aerosols in Belgrade: receptor modeling and LIDAR system (invited presentation), 5th International Workshop on Optoelectronic Techiques for Environmental Monitoring, pg. 109-116. 28-30 September, Magurele, Romania (2011).
Z. Mijic, M. Tasic, S. Rajšic, A. Stojic, Receptor modeling studies for the characterization of PM10 pollution sources in Belgrade, Proceedings of the 3rd International WeBIOPATR Workshop & Conference, CD, 15-17 November, Belgrade, Serbia (2011).
Z. Mijic, M. Kuzmanoski, A. Stojic, A. Žekic, S. Rajšic, M. Tasic, Investigation of regional transport and health risk effects of metals in PM2.5 air particulate matter in Belgrade, Proceedings of the 3rd International WeBIOPATR Workshop & Conference, CD, 15-17 November, Belgrade, Serbia (2011).
A. Stojic, M. Perišic, Z. Mijic, S. Rajšic, D. Ristic: Ambient VOCs Measurement in Belgrade Semi-urban Area: Winter Case Study (poster), Book of Abstracts, pp. 534, EUROanalysis, Belgrade, Serbia, September 11-15, 2011.
Andreja Stojic, Mirjana Perišic, Zoran Mijic and Slavica Rajšic: Ambient VOCs measurement in winter: Belgrade semiurban area, Book of Abstracts pg. 248, 5th PTR-MS Conference, 23-31 January 2011, Obergurgl, Austria.
Mirjana Perišic, Andreja Stojic, Zoran Mijic and Slavica Rajšic: SOURCE APPORTIONMENT OF VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS IN BELGRADE SEMI-URBAN AREA, Book of Abstracts pg. 232, 11th European Meeting on Environmental Chemistry EMEC 11, Portoroz, 8-11 December 2010, Slovenia.
Assessment of VOCs concentrations in Belgrade semi-urban area, M. Perišic, A. Stojic, S. Rajšic and Z. Mijic, Proceedings of the 10th International Conference of Fundamental and Applied aspects of Physical Chemistry, pg. 579-581, 21-24 September 2010, Belgrade, Serbia
Ambient VOCs Measurement In Belgrade Semi-Urban Area Using Proton Transfer Reaction Mass Spectrometer, A. Stojic, M. Perišic, Z. Mijic, S. Rajšic and D. Ristic, 1st Center of Excellence for Food Safety and Emerging Risk (CEFSER) Workshop "Regional perspectives in food safety", 12th Danube-Kris-Mures-Tisa (DKMT) Euroregion Conference on Food, Environment and Health, CD Book of Abstracts, Faculty of Technology, University of Novi Sad, September 2010, Novi Sad, Serbia
Assesment of ambient VOCs levels in Belgrade semi-urban area, A. Stojic, S. Rajšic, Z. Mijic, M. Tasic 4th International Conference on Proton Transfer Reaction Mass Spectrometry and Its Application, Book of Contributions pg. 289-293, 2009. Innsbruck, Austria
Heavy metal concentrations in street dust and soils adjacent to roads in Belgrade, Serbia, A. Stojic, M. Nešic, Z. Mijic, V. Novakovic, S. Rajšic, M. Tasic 9th Highway and Urban Environmental Symposium, Book of Abstracts pg. 87. 9-11. june 2008. Madrid, Spain
First results of outdoor and indoor VOCs measurements using PTR-MS in Belgrade, Serbia, Nesic Mirjana, Stojic Andreja, Mijic Zoran, Novakovic Velibor, Rajsic Slavica, The 8th European Meeteng on Environmental Chemistry (EMEC8) Book of Abstracts pg. 37., December 5-8, 2007, Inverness, Scotland
Source identification of trace elements in urban particulate matter, Slavica Rajšic, Zoran Mijic, Mirjana Tasic, Mirjana Radenkovic, Jasminka Joksic. The First International WeBIOPATR Workshop: Particulate Matter: Research and Management, Book of extended abstracts pg.50-53, May, 20-22 2007, Belgrade, Serbia.
Assessment of the levels and sources of trace elements in PM10 and PM2.5 in Belgrade, S. Rajšic, Z. Mijic, M. Tasic, M. Radenkovic, J. Joksic The Seventh European Meeting on Environmental Chemistry EMEC 7, The book of Abstracts pg. 175., December 6-9.2006 Brno, Czech Republic.
Physical Characterisation of PM10 and PM2.5 in Belgrade Atmosphere by SEM/EDX and Image Analysis System“, V.T. Novakovic, M.D. Tasic, B.Djuric-Stanojevic, S.F. Rajšic and Z.R.Mijic, AIP Conference Proceedings Volume 899 pg. 743. Sixth International Conference Of The Balkan Physical Union, Istanbul (Turkey), 22-26 August 2006 ISBN: 978-0-7354-0404-5
Physical Characterisation of PM10 and PM2.5 in Belgrade Atmosphere by SEM/EDX and Image Analysis System, V.T. Novakovic, M.D. Tasic, B.Djuric-Stanojevic, S.F. Rajšic and Z.R.Mijic, 6th International Conference of the Balkan Physical Union, Book of Abstracts, pg. 1008, 22-26 August, Istanbul, Turkey, 2006
Some Characteristic Air Back Trajectories For High PM10 and PM2.5 Concentration Episodes, Z.R.Mijic, L.A.Lazic, S.F. Rajšic, M.D. Tasic and V.T. Novakovic, AIP Conference Proceedings Volume 899 pg. 741. Sixth International Conference Of The Balkan Physical Union, Istanbul (Turkey), 22-26 August 2006 ISBN: 978-0-7354-0404-5
Some Characteristic Air Back Trajectories For High PM10 and PM2.5 Concentration Episodes, Z.R.Mijic, L.A.Lazic, S.F. Rajšic, M.D. Tasic and V.T. Novakovic, 6th International Conference of the Balkan Physical Union, Book of Abstracts, pg. 1006, 22-26 August, Istanbul, Turkey, 2006
Analysis PM10 and PM2.5 Air Pollution Episodes in Belgrade S.Rajšic, Z. Mijic, L. Lazic, M. Tasic and V. Novakovic, The Sixth European Meeting on Environmental Chemistry (EMEC6), Book of Abstracts, pg. 276, December 6-10th, 2005, Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro
Air Back Trajectories Analysis for High PM Concnentration Episodes Zoran Mijic, Lazar Lazic, Slavica Rajšic, Mirjana Tasic and Velibor Novakovic, First ACCENT Symposium, The Changing Chemical Climate of the Atmosphere, Proceedings CD, pg.52-53, 12-16. September 2005. Urbino, Italy
Physico-chemical characterization of PM10 and PM2.5 particles in the Belgrade urban area, M. Tasic, B.Ðuric-Stanojevic, S.Rajšic, Z.Mijic, V. Novakovic 14th International Symposium Spectroscopy in theory and practice”, Book of Abstracts pg. 109, April 10-13, 2005. Nova Gorica, Slovenia
Labile fraction of heavy metals in the urban PM10 particles, S.Rajšic, M.Tasic, Z.Mijic, D.Ðordevic, 5th European Meeting on Environmental Chemistry, 15-18 December, 2004, Bari, Italy
Particulate matter mass concentrations in the ambient air of Belgrade, M.D.Tasic,S.F.Rajšic, V.T.Novakovic, Z.R.Mijic, M.N.Tomaševic, Proceedings Of The 7th International Conference on Fundamental and Applied Aspects of Physical Chemistry, pg. 643-645; 2004, Belgrade
Atmospheric deposition of heavy metals in Belgrade urban area, M.D.Tasic, Z.R.Mijic, D.S.Ðordevic, D.J.Radmanovic, V.T.Novakovic, M.N.Tomaševic, Proceedings Of The 7th International Conference on Fundamental and Applied Aspects of Physical Chemistry, pg. 640-642; 2004, Belgrade
Characterization of PM10 and PM2.5 particulate matter in the ambient air of Belgrade, M.D.Tasic, S.F.Rajšic, V.T.Novakovic, Z.R.Mijic, and M.N.Tomaševic, Fifth Balkan Physics Union Conference (BPU-5), CD-pg. 161-164, 2003, Vrnjacka Banja, Serbia and Montenegro
Zoran Mijic, Darko Vasiljevic, Aleksander Kovacevic, Mirjana Tasic i B. Panic: Ispitivanje transporta atmosferskih aerosola pomocu CWT modela i LIDAR sistema, XII Kongres fizicara Srbije, Zbornik radova str. 428-432, Vrnjacka Banja, Serbia (2013).
Mirjana Perišic, Andreja Stojic, Marija Todorovic, Zoran Mijic i Slavica Rajšic:Analiza dinamike i transporta CO, NOx i SO2 u urbanoj sredini Beograda, XII Kongres fizicara Srbije, Zbornik radova str. 444-448, Vrnjacka Banja, Serbia (2013).
Andreja Stojic, Mirjana Perišic, Zoran Mijic, Marija Todorovic, and Slavica Rajšic: Odredjivanje izvora emisije isparljivih organskih jedinjenja u Beogradu, XII Kongres fizicara Srbije, Zbornik radova str. 453-457, Vrnjacka Banja, Serbia (2013).
Daljinska detekcija aerosola – LIDAR sistem, Zoran Mijic, Mirjana Tasic, Bratimir Panic, Aleksander Kovacevic, Darko Vasiljevic, Brana Jelenkovic, Ilija Belic, Savremene tehnologije za održivi razvoj gradova, Zbornik radova pp. 243-251, Banja Luka, 14-15 novembar 2008.
Prvi rezultati merenja isparljivih organskih jedinjenja u ambijentalnom vazduhu Beograda korišcenjem uredaja PTR-MS , M.Nešic, A. Stojic, Z. Mijic, S. Rajšic, M. Tasic, 5th Symposium Chemistry and Environmental Protection with international participation, Book of Abstracts pp.40-41, 27-30 maj 2008, Tara, Srbija
Detekcija povratnog rasejanog zracenja LIDAR sistema na 532 nm Aleksander Kovacevic, Bratimir Panic, Milan Minic, Darko Vasiljevic, Zoran Mijic, Mirjana Tasic, Branislav Jelenkovic, Ilija Belic ETRAN Zbornik radova, 8-12 jun, 2008, Palic.
Using the NI PCI-5124 Digitizer for Atmospheric LIDAR Remote Sensing Aleksander Kovacevic, Bratimir Panic , Zoran Mijic, Mirjana Tasic , Branislav Jelenkovic, NIdays, 2008, Beograd, http://sine.ni.com/cs/app/doc/p/id/cs-12882
Primena LIDAR-a u detekciji aero-zagadenja, Belic, D. Vasiljevic, A. Kovacevic, B. Panic, Z. Mijic, V. Novakovic, M. Tasic, B. Jelenkovic, D. Pantelic, Zbornik radova Kongresa metrologa Srbije, pp. 181-189. 26-28 septembar, 2007, Zlatibor.
Fizicko-hemijska karakterizacija PM2.5 i PM10 cestica u urbanoj sredini Beograda, Branislava Ðuric-Stanojevic, Mirjana Tasic, Slavica Rajšic, Zoran Mijic, Velibor Novakovic, Milica Tomaševic, Zbornik radova Eko Fizika pg. 234-237, 21-22. maj 2005, Kruševac
Analiza transporta za vreme epizoda sa visokim koncentracijama PM cestica, Mijic Zoran, Lazic Lazar, Rajšic Slavica, Velibor Novakovic, Zbornik radova Eko Fizika pg. 230-233, 21-22. maj, 2005, Kruševac.
Atmosferski aerosoli i njihov uticaj na kvalitet vazduha u urbanim sredinama, Mirjana Tasic, Slavica Rajšic, Velibor Novakovic, Zoran Mijic, uvodno predavanje Zbornik radova Eko Fizika pg. 37-46, 21-22. maj 2005, Kruševac.
Ispitivanje kvaliteta vazuha na podrucju grada Beograda-suspendovane cestice i ozon, M.Tasic, S. Rajšic, D.Markovic, V. Novakovic, Z. Mijic, D. Markovic, Zbornik radova Ekološki problemi gradova, pg. 93-94, 22-23. april, 2004 Beograd.
Ispitivanje kvaliteta vazduha u urbanim sredinama: PM10 i PM2.5, M.D.Tasic, S.F.Rajšic, V.T.Novakovic, Z.R.Mijic, M.N.Tomaševic, Zbornik radova sa Kongresa fizicara Srbije i Crne Gore, CD:8-173, 8-176, 3-5. jun 2004, Petrovac na Moru.
Merenje koncentracije PM10 cestica u suburbanoj oblasti Beograda, V.T.Novakovic, Z.R.Mijic, M.D.Tasic, S.F.Rajšic, M.N.Tomaševic, Zbornik radova sa Kongresa fizicara Srbije i Crne Gore, CD:8-147,8-150, 3-5.jun 2004, Petrovac na Moru.
Procena raspodele ucestanosti masenih koncentracija PM10 i PM2.5, Z.R.Mijic, V.T. Novakovic, M.D.Tasic, S.F.Rajšic, Zbornik radova sa Kongresa fizicara Srbije i Crne Gore, CD:8-115,8-118, 3-5.jun 2004, Petrovac na Moru.
Epizoda merenja ozona, aerosola i nanometarskih brzih jona vazduha na obali Dunava jula 2003. godine, P.Kolarž, Z.Mijic, D.M.Markovic, D.A.Markovic, Zbornik radova sa Kongresa fizicara Srbije i Crne Gore, CD:8-87,8-90, 3-5.jun 2004, Petrovac na Moru