Curriculum Vitae


Personal Details:
Frst name: Velibor
Last name: Novaković
Born: Belgrade, Serbia, March 19th 1966

- 1993, B.Sc., Physics Faculty, Belgrade University, Belgrade, Serbia
- 1996, MSc., Physics Faculty, Belgrade University, Belgrade, Serbia
- 2006, PhD., Physics Faculty, Belgrade University, Belgrade, Serbia, Subject of the PhD thesis: Physical characterization of atmospheric aerosols and modeling of electrical discharges in gaseous mixtures which contain NO, N2O and dust particles

Professional Status:
Associate Research Professor

2007, Assistant Research Professor in Laboratory for Environmental Physics, Institute of Physics, Belgrade, Serbia
2007 – 1. 11. 2010, Post – doctoral Researcher in University of Antwerp, Department of Chemistry - Micro and Trace Analysis Center

Professional Background:
Atmospheric physics, Atmospheric pollution, Aerosols, Monte Carlo simulations of dc and rf electron swarms, Single particle analysis

Participation on EC Advanced Study Courses and Summer Schools:
- 1998, ICLU, Interactions between chemical compounds, the ozone layer and UV-B fluxes, Halkidiki, Greece, 4 to 10 October 1998
- 1999, ASTAIRE, Atmospheric effects of aircraft emission in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere, Bergen, Norway, 22 to 31 August 1999
- 2007, Surface Emissions and Prediction of Atmospheric Composition Changes, Ile d’ Oléron, France, 11 to 20 September 2007

Participation on Fundamental Research and Technical - Technology Projects:
2002 – 2005, Air Quality Studies in Urban Areas: Heavy Metals, Radionuclides and Their Interaction in the Atmosphere (Ministry for Science and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Serbia)
- 2005 - , Emission and Transmission of Pollutants in an Urban Atmosphere (Ministry for Science and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Serbia)
- 2005 - 2008 , Development and Application of LIDAR for Remote Sensing of Aerosols in the Atmosphere (Ministry for Science and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Serbia - technical project)
- 2006 - present, Reinforcing Experimental Centre for Non-equilibrium Studies with Application in Nano-technologies, Etching of Integrated Circuits and Environmental Research (EC Specific Support Action 026343 INCO)
- 2007 – 2008, Chemical characterisation of individual fine particulate matter with respect to their health impact (Founded by OSTC, The Belgian Federal Science Policy Office)

List of Selected Publications :

- Chapter in book:

Tasic M., Rajsic S., Tomaševic M., Mijic Z., Anicic M., Novakovic V., Markovic D. M, Markovic D. A., Lazic L., Radenkovic M., Joksic J.: Assessment of Air Quality in an Urban Area of Belgrade,Serbia, In: Environmental Technologies, New Developments,Edited by E. Burcu Ozkaraova Gungor, I-Tech Education and Publishing,Vienna, Austria,, ISBN 978-3-902613-10-3, 209-244 (2008)

- Papers Published in International Journals:

Vukmirovic Z., Marendic-Miljkovic J., Rajšic S., Tasic M. and Novakovic V.: Resuspension of trace metals in Belgrade under conditions of drastically reduced emission levels, Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 93 (1-4), 137-156, (1997)

Novakovic V. and Stamatovic A.: Polarimetric measurements of relative particle concentration in the urban area of Belgrade, Balkan Physics Letters 5, 1825-1828 (1997)

Tasic M. D., Rajšic S. F., Novakovic T. V., Tomaševic M. N.: Contribution to the Methodology of Dry Deposition Measurements, Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 10 (3), 305-309, (2001)

Vukovic J.B., Antanasijevic R., Novakovic V., Tasic M.: Electron and Complementary Microscopical Studies of Nuclear Tracks in Solids, European Microscopy and Analysis, May, Issue 77, 17-19, (2002)

Rajsic S., Tasic M., Novakovic V.: Concentration of heavy metal in dry and wet deposition in Belgrade atmosphere during NATO campaign, Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology 3 (2), 350-354, (2002)

Mechlinska-Drewko J., Wróblewski T., Petrovic Z. Lj., Novakovic V., Karwasz G. P.: Electron scattering on N2O – from cross sections to diffusion coefficients, Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 68 (1-2), 205-209, (2003)

Rajšic S., Tasic M., Novakovic V., Tomaševic M.: First Assessment of the PM10 and PM2.5 Particulate Level in the Ambient Air of Belgrade City, Environmental Sciences and Pollution Research, 11 (3), 158-164, (2004)

Tomaševic, M., Rajšic, S., Đordevic, D., Tasic, M., Krstic, J., Novakovic, V.: Heavy metals accumulation in tree leaves from urban areas, Environmental Chemistry Letters, 2 (3), 151-154, (2004)

Rajšic S.F., Tasic M.D., Markovic D.M., Novakovic V.T., Markovic D.A.,Tomaševic M.N., Atmospheric Particulate Matter and Ozone in Belgrade Urban Area, Central European Journal Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 10 (1), 25-29, (2004)

Wroblewski T., Karwasz G.P., Nowakowska H., Mechlinska-Drewko T., Novakovic V.T., Petrovic Z.Lj.: Semiempirical analysis of electron scattering cross sections in N2O and CO2 , Czechoslovak Journal of Physics 54, Supl. C, C742-C746 Part 4, (2004)

Tasic M.D., Rajšic S.F., Novakovic V.T., Mijic Z.R., Tomaševic M.N.: PM10 and PM2.5 Mass Concentration Measurements in Belgrade Urban Area, Physica Scripta, T118 , 29-30, (2005)

Tasic M., Đuric-Stanojevic B., Rajšic S., Mijic Z., Novakovic V.: Physico-chemical Characterization of PM10 and PM2.5 in the Belgrade Urban Area, Acta Chimica Slovenica, 53, 401-405 (2006) Tasic M., Rajsic S., Novakovic V., Mijic Z.: An assessment of air quality in Belgrade urban area: PM10, PM2.5 and trace metals, Journal of Physics.: Conference Series 71 012016 (13pp) (2007)

Tasic M., Rajsic S., Tomaševic M., Mijic Z., Anicic M., Novakovic V., Markovic D. M, Markovic D. A., Lazic L., Radenkovic M., Joksic J.: Assessment of Air Quality in an Urban Area of Belgrade,Serbia, In: Environmental Technologies, New Developments, Edited by E. Burcu Ozkaraova Gungor, I-Tech Education and Publishing,Vienna, Austria,, ISBN 978-3-902613-10-3, 209-244 (2008)

Stefaniak E. A., Buczynska A., Novakovic V., Kuduk R., Van Grieken R.: Determination of chemical composition of individual airborne particles by SEM/EDX and micro-Raman spectrometry: A review, Journal of Physics.: Conference Series 162 012019 (16pp) (2009)

Mijic Z., Tasic M., Rajsic S., Novakovic V.: The statistical characters of PM10 in Belgrade area, Atmospheric Research 92 420–426 (2009)