Curriculum Vitae


Personal Details:

Frst name: Slobodan
Last name: Nickovic
Born: Skopje, Former Yugoslavia, 17 June 1951


1974: B.Sc. in Meteorology, University of Belgrade
1980: M.Sc. in Meteorology, University of Belgrade
1982: D.Sc. in Meteorology (PhD), University of Belgrade

Professional Status:

Associate Researcher

Basic scientific interests:

Statistical modeling in atmospheric physics, Multivariate receptor modeling, Laser remote sensing, LIDAR.

Research Interests:

Environmental modeling (atmosphere, aerosol transport, hydrology)

Research Projects:

International Projects:

1980-1982: Alpine Experiment (Project ALPEX, WMO)
1995-1987: Mediterranean Pollution (Project MEDPOL, WMO/UNEP)
1992-1994: Emergency meteorology Centre for Developing Countries of the Mediterranean Area (Project EMME-1, World Laboratory)
1994: Ocean Dynamics and Pollution in the Mediterranean (Project LAND-3, Sub-project: Modelling of the Transport and Deposition of Atmospheric Particulates, World Laboratory)
1996-1998: Mediterranean Dust Experiment (Project MEDUSE, EU)
1995-1998: Development of sophisticated operational weather prediction system on parallel workstations (Project SKIRON, EU and Greek Government)
1996: Saharan Dust Transport in the Eastern Mediterranean, NATO and Turkish Scientific Commission
1997: Monitoring, Forecasting, and Simulation of the River Nile (Project MFS, Sub-project: Feasibility Study of Dynamical Precipitation Estimation, FAO)
1998-2000: Atmosphere-ocean model coupling; Monitoring and prediction of oil spills in the Mediterranean (Project RAMSES, EU)
1998-2000: Development of modelling system for prediction of hazardous weather and marine phenomena in the Mediterranean (Project COMPASS; - 4th Italian-Maltese Financial Protocol)
2000: Co-director of the Training Course on Numerical Prediction of Extreme Atmospheric Events (LAND-12 project, World Laboratory)
2001-2002: Atmosphere-ocean model coupling; Monitoring and prediction of oil spills in the Mediterranean (Project GAIANET, EU; Task leader)
2001-2003: Climatology of aerosol dispersion in the Aral Sea region (Project ARAL-KUM, EU)
2002-2003: Dust modelling and comparison with lidar observations (Project: EARLINET, EU; Group leader)
2002-2004: Dust modelling and environmental effects in the Mediterranean (Project: ADIOS, EU; Group leader)
2002-2005: Ocean modelling (Project: MFSTEP, EU; Group leader)
2002-2005: Wave modelling (Project: HIPOCAS, EU; Group leader)
2002-2004: Oil slick modelling (Project: CLEOPATRA, EU; Group leader)
2004-2008: Dust modelling over the SW USA, impacts on human health (REASoN, NASA)
2004-2008: Public Health Applications in Remote Sensing – PHAiRS (NASA)
2007-2011: Environmental Public Health Applications System – ENPHASYS (NASA)
2007-2008: Leverage Model Interoperability and High Performance Computing to Improve Public Health Application - INTERO (NASA)
2009-: Integration of Airborne Dust Prediction Systems and Vegetation Phenology to Track Pollen for Asthma Alerts in Public Health Decision Support Systems (NASA)
2009- : The Meningitis Environmental Risk Information Technologies (MERIT) (WMo, WHO, GEO)
2011-2012: Airborne Dust Models: a Tool in Environmental Health Tracking (Center for Disease Control)

International committees, boards, working groups, invited visits

1986-1990: Member, ECMWF Technical Advisory Committee
1987-1991: Member, European Working Group for Limited Area Modelling
1983 Visiting Scientist, Hamburg University, September
December 1990- January 1991: Invited WMO/UNDP Expert, National Meteorological Centre, Ankara
2002: President of the Yugoslav National Oceanography Committee
2007- : Architect and Coordinator of the WMO Sand and Dust Storm Warning Advisory and Assessment System (SDS-WAS)
2008- Member, Joint Group of Experts on the Scientific Aspects of Marine Environmental Protection (GESAMP), United Nations (UN)
December 2002: US Navy Research Laboratory, Monterey, USA (Invited visit)
2012-2015: Member, Advisory Board, EU project: Aerosol, Clouds, and Trace Gases Research Infrastructure (ACTRIS)
2012-2015: Member, Steering Committee, GEIA (Global Emissions InitiAtive)
2013-2016: Member, Scientific Advisory Committee, EU project: Building Capacity for a Centre of Excellence for EO-based monitoring of Natural Disasters (BEYOND)