Curriculum Vitae


Personal Details:
Frst name: Mira
Last name: Aničić
Born: May 26, 1979, Pljevlja, Montenegro

Official Address:
Environmental Physics Laboratory, Institute of Physics, University of Belgrade
Pregrevica 118, 11080 Belgrade, REPUBLIC OF SERBIA

Education (degrees, dates, universities):
2002 - BSc (Ecology and protection of environment, Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade, Serbia)
2006 – MSc (Department for Environmental Chemistry, Faculty of Chemistry, University of Belgrade, Serbia)
2010 - PhD (Department for Environmental Chemistry, Faculty of Chemistry, University of Belgrade, Serbia)

Career/Employment (employers, positions and actes):
2005 - 2006: Graduate Student at Institute of Physics, University of Belgrade
2006 - 2011: Research Assistant of Environmental Physics Laboratory, Institute of Physics, University of Belgrade
2011-present: Research Assistant Professor of Environmental Physics Laboratory, Institute of Physics, University of Belgrade

Specialization (specify):
- Biomonitoring for studying and protection of the environment
- Analytical techniques: AAS, ICP-OES, HP ICP-MS, INAA
- Biomonitoring of atmospheric pollutants (trace elements) in the urban area using moss and tree leaves and different analytical techniques: AAS, ICP-OES, HP ICP-MS, INAA, i.e. monitoring the anthropogenic impact on the environment.



2011-2014: „Atmospheric deposition study in street canyon of Belgrade and Moscow“, bilateral cooperation Ministry of Education and Science, Serbia and JINR, Russia; coordinator of the projects: Dr. Mira Anicic Uroševic and Prof. dr Marina V. Frontasyeva.

Participation in international projects: “Revitalization of urban ecosystems through vascular plants: assessment of technogenic pollution impact” BSEC/PDF/0018/11.2008) funded by Black Sea Economic Cooperation (BSEC): coordinator of the project: Prof. dr Lilyana Yurukova; from 2008 to 2009.

Participation in projects FP6: “Reinforcing Experimental Centre for Non-equilibrium Studies with Application in Nano-technologies, Etching of Integrated Circuits and Environmental Research” (IPB-CNP-026328), coordinator of the project: Prof. dr Zoran Petrovic, from 2006 to 2009.

2007: „Aktivni biomonitoring atmosferske depozicije teških metala i drugih elemenata u urbanoj sredini i industrijskim zonama korišcenjem mahovina“ (Balkan Environmental Association, BENA stipendija).

2011-2013: "Atmospheric deposition study in street canyon of Belgrade and Moscow", bilateral cooperation Ministry of Education and Science, Serbia and JINR, Russia; coordinator of the projects: Prof. dr Marina V. Frontasyeva and dr Mirjana Tasic.


2013 - “Active biomonitoring of airborne major and trace elements in the Belgrade urban area using moss bag technique”. The project was financially supported by Secretariat for Environmental Protection, Belgrade.

III projects:

2011 - 2014: INVESTIGATION OF CLIMATE CHANGE AND ITS INFLUENCES ON ENVIRONMENT – Monitoring the Influences, Adaptations, and Offsets - III 43007

Fundamental research project:

2011 - 2014: Mineral stress and plant adaptations to marginal agricultural soils - 173028

2006 – 2010: „Emisija i transmisija zagadujucih materija u urbanoj atmosferi“ (Ministarstvo za nauku i tehnološki razvoj Republike Srbije, osnovna istraživanja, br. 141012)

2005 – 2006: „Istraživanje kvaliteta vazduha urbane sredine: teški metali, radionuklidi i njihove interakcije u atmosferi“ (Ministarstvo za nauku i tehnološki razvoj Republike Srbije, osnovna istraživanja)


2013 – Programme Advisory Committee for Nuclear Physics, JINR were judged as the second best poster presentation “Active moss biomonitoring of trace element distribution in Belgrade canyon streets” by Mira Anicic on 38th PAC meeting, 20–21 June 2013, Dubna, Russia.

2007 - Award for Excellency and best Student Talk at International Summer School on Nuclear Physics Methods and Accelerators in Biology and Medicine, Prague, Czech Republic.

2009 – The first price for the best poster presentation for young scientist from Europe and Latin America at 5th International Workshop on Biomonitoring of Atmospheric Pollution, Buenos Aires, Argentina.


2013 - Mira Anicic Uroševic, Institut za fiziku Beograd „Primena biomonitoringa u proceni kvaliteta vazduha gradske sredine”, Radionica „Cist vazduh“ (Klimatske promene – zaštita životne sredine – saobracaj – javno zdravlje), 20. septembar 2013. u organizaciji UNDP i Ministarstvo energetike, razvoja i zaštite životne sredine;

„Mahovine kao biomonitori zagadujucih supstancija u vazduhu“, Ekološki kamp „Održivo korišcenje i upravljanje prirodnim resursima“ u organizaciji JKP „Zelenilo Beograd“, 11-14.10.2010. godine.