2006-2007: Slovenia - Serbia & Montenegro cooperation in science and technology
A bilateral project of Nova Gorica Polytechnic and Institute for Physics, Belgrade, covered research related to the development and application of LIDAR system for remote sensing of aerosol particles and IRPAS system for greenhouse gasses measurements. Projects goals were:
- knowledge exchange in the field of LIDAR development and applications
- training and education of researchers from the Institute of Physics, Belgrade
- upgrade of elastic LIDAR on Otlica, Slovenia, to Raman LIDAR and incorporation to EARLINET
- upgrade of IRPAS system in Serbia
- establishment of LIDAR measurements in Serbia and incorporation to EARLINET
- development of software for LIDAR data acquisition and LIDAR data analysis
- development of software for IRPAS data acquisition and analysis
- contribution to the linkage of LIDAR and IRPAS measurements and meteorological models